Journey Through the Labyrinth During This Planetary Cycle of Acceleration and Change.

A labyrinth is a working meditation tool that takes us from a path of what appears to be crisis and confusion, to a journey that has purpose and direction, leading us to our spiritual center. We are in a planetary cycle of change and evolution of consciousness as predicted by the ancient wisdom traditions. This can be exciting and confusing at the same time. The Labyrinth Series guided meditations are designed to lead you on a journey of healing and transformation. Through the power of imagination , your mind can access your ability to activate your own healing potential.

Whether you need healing for a physical illness or injury, an emotional issue, or are looking for greater spiritual awareness, this program will lead you back to a restoration of balance, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. You will have the opportunity to use these meditations for your own specific needs and issues. As you progress through the program, you will go deeper into your own personal work and healing. These guided meditations and visualizations are an invaluable tool to utilize along with your health and mental health protocols, or to go deeper into your spiritual journey. Find your way out of the confusion, and back to your center point.

**This program is available on demand for one year from the date of purchase.


  • Enhance your skills of meditation

  • Create balance and harmony within

  • Accelerate your spiritual growth

  • Balance your energy field

  • Work with higher dimensional spiritual teachers and healers

  • Remember your purpose and mission

  • Reach your highest potential

  • Heal mind, body, and spirit

  • Awaken to soul awareness


Included in this Program:

• 16 Guided Meditations in downloadable format
• Descriptions of each meditation
• A workbook that you can download with descriptions of the meditations and room to keep notes and write your goals

These guided meditations are designed to be listened to in sequence for maximum benefit. Play one meditation at a time, several times if you choose, before moving on to the next meditation. All meditations are vibrationally programmed to create a continuous experience of conscious awakening as you move through the program.

We would like you to be able to utilize these meditations for your own healing and transformation for years to come. However we ask that you do not copy these meditations into any format for sharing. You are not authorized to record these meditations in your own voice for resale or to copy theses audio journeys into any media for commercial sale. You may not post these audio journeys on the Internet. Thank you for your respect for the creation of this series.

The musical background for each meditation is by Thaddeus. You can order the music alone through LuminEssence at

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction (CLICK HERE)

    • What is a Labyrinth?

    • Included in this Program

    • Labyrinth Series Workbook - On Demand

  • 3

    Meditation 2 – Strands of Light

    • Strands of Light - -Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 4

    Meditation 3 – Cellular Renewal

    • Cellular Renewal - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 5

    Meditation 4 – Healing Vision

    • Healing Vision - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 6

    Meditation 5 – Internal Family

    • Internal Family - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 7

    Meditation 6 – Healing the Wound

    • Healing the Wound - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 8

    Meditation 7 – Revealing the Shadow

    • Revealing the Shadow - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 9

    Meditation 8 – The Warrior Spirit

    • The Warrior Spirit - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 10

    Meditation 9 – Remembering Your Soul

    • Remembering Your Soul - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 11

    Meditation 10 – Master Healer

    • Master Healer - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 12

    Meditation 11 – Soul to Soul

    • Soul to Soul- Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 13

    Meditation 12 – Healing Team

    • Healing Team - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 14

    Meditation 13 – Chakra Balancing

    • Chakra Balancing - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 15

    Meditation 14 – The Great Central Sun

    • The Great Central Sun - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 16

    Meditation 15 – Angelic Realms

    • Angelic Realms - Description and Audio Guided Meditation

  • 17

    Meditation 16 – The One Light

    • The One Light - Description and Audio Guided Meditation


Irene R. Siegel, Ph.D., LCSW

Irene Siegel, Ph.D., LCSW, has been a student of ancient healing traditions since the early 1980’s. She spent many years studying with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and his teachers of authentic Incan descent in Peru and Bolivia. She has also studied with other indigenous teachers in North America. She has been a teacher for the program Awakening Your Light Body as created by Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman through LuminEssence for over 30 years. She conducts her integrative psychotherapy practice and teaches meditation and healing at Center Point in Huntington, NY. As an EMDR therapy approved consultant and conference speaker, she teaches the integration of Western psychotherapy and science with ancient healing arts. She has led spiritual groups, retreats, and journeys throughout her career and continues to blaze a trail for expanding the context of traditional healing to true transformation. Dr. Siegel has been teaching the use of the Medicine Wheel for over 30 years both in small groups and virtually. She is the author of The Sacred Path of the Therapist: Modern Healing, Ancient Wisdom, and Client Transformation; and Eyes of the Jaguar. For more information see:


This program is On-Demand with downloadable recorded guided meditations and class materials. Registration is good for 1 year from the date of purchase.


To the Ancient Ones and All of My Teachers

With Gratitude.... Deep acknowledgement and gratitude to the indigenous people on our planet, who are the keepers of the earth, for keeping this ancient body of knowledge alive, and opening the door for those from the west to become the new healers and visionaries. Special love and gratitude to Alberto Villoldo, my teacher always, for opening this path of spiritual knowledge to me and changing the course of my life. Much gratitude to Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman from LuminEssence, for their teachings and their musical contribution to my guided meditations. To all of my teachers who have illuminated my path, I offer gratitude and heartfelt appreciation. Many blessings...