About Dr. Irene Siegel

Irene R. Siegel, Ph.D., LCSW is director of Center Point in Huntington N.Y. where she conducts her integrative EMDR therapy practice and teaches meditation and healing. She received her doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia Univ.), and her masters in Social Work from Columbia University.She studied the ancient healing arts of shamanism throughout North and South America, and teaches the integration of Western psychotherapy with ancient healing arts as depicted in her recently published book The Sacred Path of the Therapist: Modern Healing, Ancient Wisdom, and Client Transformation. As an Approved EMDR Consultant, teacher, and lecturer she has broken through traditional barriers introducing the innovative concept of integrating mindful awareness and resonance into the EMDR protocol. For more information visit www.DrIreneSiegel.com